

žžƵ’s employees been sensitive in community matters have offered their services in the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, which took place in Athens from August 13-29. A number of the company’s employees have been volunteers in the Games and served different positions, such as the torch relay, the assistance to the audience in the sports venues and last but not least, a couple had the privilege to be part of the show in the opening and closing ceremonies.


All žžƵ’s people were excited about the volunteer tasks during the Olympics, since they contributed in a major event and at the same time they experienced the Olympic spirit. “It was a unique experience! I was so thrilled carrying the torch”, said Stella Traka, IR Executive. “It was magic, a lifetime memory! I was in the show of both the opening and closing ceremonies and I have never experienced such a momentum of enthusiasm”, commented Frosso Alexopoulou, from the events department.


”We encourage žžƵ employees to volunteerism, especially if this involves the optimum global sports event of the Olympiad. I would like to thank heartily all of our employees who have contributed voluntarily in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. We are proud that our people were part of these dream Games.” said Mr Constantinos Antonopoulos, CEO of žžƵ.


žžƵ is a leading supplier of integrated gaming and transaction processing systems, innovative game designs and value added services to state-licensed gaming organizations and financial services providers worldwide. With 27 subsidiaries and 1,300 people in 26 countries and revenues of € 320 million, the company dominates in Europe, has secured a strong position in South America and has established a foothold in North America, while expanding its presence in S.E. Asia and Australia. Following a highly successful period of rapid growth, žžƵ currently ranks 3rd on revenues and 2nd on profits among lottery suppliers worldwide