

žžƵ today announced that will feature B-On, the first gaming platform enabling multiplayer entertainment games combined with betting and next generation instant tickets, at the WLA 2004 Trade Show and Convention in Durban, that is taking place from Nov.14 to 19, 2004. žžƵ’s B-On gaming platform features multiplayer mobile and PC gaming capabilities coupled with betting, tournaments and instant tickets. B-On gaming platform can support a wide range of game types involving skill, knowledge and chance. In addition, community features such as friends’ lists, matchmaking, presence, chat and instant messaging complement the rich gaming experience. B-On platform is the first example of how betting and entertainment convergence is realized in a virtual gaming community of connected mobile and personal computer users.

B-On provides game developers with not only the fundamental network tools to create multiplayer, connected games, but also the essential infrastructure upon which game service providers can build and expand their gaming communities and game portfolio.

”We are excited about the opportunity to present to the lottery industry this unique gaming platform “B-On”, which offers to the players the key perquisites of our era: mobility, knowledge & skill games and socializing. We have long ago focused our efforts in developing a platform that convergence gaming with entertainment and socializing. B-On is this innovative solution that meets the needs of the changing lottery industry,” said Mr Constantinos Antonopoulos, CEO of žžƵ.

B-On includes:

B-On Multiplayer Gaming Platform and software development kit. It is a high performance online multiplayer gaming platform based on proven technology. It offers a complete and sophisticated network solution for multiplayer on-line gaming, betting, tournaments and instant ticketing for both mobile and fixed networks – real-time action or turn-based games. It is built to provide scalability and reliability for thousands of simultaneous players. Key features:

  • Small footprint on the wireless handset
  • High end-user quality through efficient use of access bandwidth and adaptation of data streams to varying network conditions
  • Ability to support all internet network access technologies

B-On Lobby System implements the gaming community features. While games are the driver, community features create the “game around the game”. It is the set of features that increase game interest and promote repeat play. Gamers play, compete for rewards and recognition, but also socialize chatting with friends and meeting like-minded people. Some of the B-On Lobby System features are:

  • Peer to peer betting
  • Tournament competitions
  • Matchmaking & Chatting
  • Friends list & Communities
  • Presence
  • Extensive rankings

žžƵ is a leading supplier of integrated gaming and transaction processing systems, innovative game designs and value added services to state-licensed gaming organizations and financial services providers worldwide. With 29 subsidiaries and 1,500 people in 26 countries and revenues of € 320 million, the company dominates in Europe, has secured a strong position in South America and has established a foothold in North America, while expanding its presence in S.E. Asia and Australia. Following a highly successful period of rapid growth, žžƵ currently ranks 3rd on revenues and 2nd on profits among lottery suppliers worldwide