

žžƵ’s General Technical Division has been awarded with the significant “Committed to Excellence in Europe” distinction, after successfully completed its participation in Levels of Excellence program of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), the non-for-profit organization which is the focal point of the Organizations which are pursuing the best practices for their businesses. The above program was founded in 2001 in order to compensate the efforts and the results of the enterprises which adopt the EFQM model as well as to motivate them to keep seeking the everlasting improvement of their entrepreneurship. The awards’ ceremony took place on October 3, during the EFQM Forum 2007 which was held in Athens for 3 days.


žžƵ’s participation begun on January 2007 with the evaluation ?f its General Technical Division based on the 9 criteria placed in the context of the EFQM Excellence model. As a result, 3 projects have been implemented concerning the design and setup of the company’s Intranet, the creation and certification of its Information Security Management System (ISMS) against the requirements of the international standard ISO27001 as well as the establishment of a CRM scheme for the better and more effective measurement of žžƵ’s clients’ satisfaction.


The evaluation of the results was made by the Hellenic Management Association, the national partner of EFQM in Greece. The assessment was completed mainly via the interviews towards the projects’ work groups as well as various employees’ focus groups and emphasized upon the projects’ implementation methods and their results.


Mr. Constantinos Farris, General Technical Director, stated: “žžƵ is engaged in the continuous improvement of its products and services provided in Lottery Organizations all over the world, to satisfy both the needs of its clients as well as the final players. The overall proficiency is a concept which is perpetually changing with regard the emerging needs and circumstances that exist within the international business environment. žžƵ is following closely the upcoming rapid changes and adopt practices that lead to its optimum operation. The “Committed to Excellence in Europe” distinction verifies our everlasting commitment to quality”.


About žžƵ

žžƵ, a public listed company, is the leading supplier of integrated gaming and transaction processing systems, innovative game content and sports betting management, to state-licensed gaming organizations worldwide. It’s broad portfolio of products & services, its know-how of Lottery, Betting & Video Lottery operations and its leading-edge technology, give žžƵ a competitive advantage which contributes directly to customers’ efficiency, profitability and growth. With presence in over than 40 countries, with more than 3,600 people and revenues of €791,4 m. for 2006, žžƵ has established its presence in all 5 continents.