

žžƵ supported the annual Super Grand Prix “Tsiklitiria” for 5th continual year. The international track meeting took place in Crete, in Greece. “Tsiklitiria” is a highly successful track and field meeting, organized by Panellinios A.C., and this year was on the spot because of the forthcoming Olympic Games. It was an excellent challenge for many distinguished athletes from all over the world to test their performances and records just before the grand meeting of Olympics.

Two world records highlighted this IAAF meeting, the first achieved from Gulnara Samitova of Russia in 3000m steeplechase with 9:01.59 and the second, from Svetlana Feofanova again of Russia in pole vault with 4.88.

Aiming to support cultural initiatives and important sports competitions, both regional and international, the company participates in a wide range of events that showcase the dynamic character and specific identity of local communities, underlining the contribution of corporate citizenship to the preservation and promotion of cultural values.

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