
Excellence across the board

Since its start up, žžÊÓƵ has received numerous certifications and has been awarded significant distinctions, reflecting our tight focus on quality and security, and our consistent adoption of appropriate measures and procedures that safeguard our products and services and ensure the confidence levels our customers require. These awards also recognize our business ethics, corporate governance and CSR record, and testify to our steadfast commitment to our people and all our stakeholders.

žžÊÓƵ was the first international vendor in the gaming sector to be certified under the World Lottery Association (WLA) Security Control Standard in 2008. Moreover, the company’s Information Security Management System (ISMS) was originally ISO 27001 certified in 2007. Our current WLA SCS:2020 and ISO 27001:2013 certifications cover žžÊÓƵ Headquarters, žžÊÓƵ Benelux BV, žžÊÓƵ Germany GmbH, žžÊÓƵ Inc. in the USA, žžÊÓƵ Washington DC, Ohio, Arkansas, Montana, Louisiana, Idaho, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Wyoming and Illinois Operations in the USA, žžÊÓƵ GAMING SERVICES Pty Ltd. (IGS) in Australia, žžÊÓƵ Maroc, žžÊÓƵ Chile SPA, Tecno Acción S.A. and Accion Salta S.A. in Argentina as well as OPAP and scratch ticket operations (Hellenic Lotteries) in Greece.

In 2015, žžÊÓƵ’s received the WLA Responsible Gaming Framework Certification for associate members, following an in depth independent assessment of our products, services and best practices transferred to lottery customers by TUV Nord. The Framework areas include research, employee programs, product and service development, remote gaming environments, advertising and marketing communications, client awareness, stakeholder engagement and reporting.

žžÊÓƵ has also been ISO 9001 certified since 2002. The company’s Quality Management System covers, not only the Headquarters, but also subsidiaries žžÊÓƵ SERVICES SA in Greece and žžÊÓƵ GAMING SERVICES (IGS) in Australia.

žžÊÓƵ was the first international vendor whose Information Technology Service Management System, which covers gaming and transaction processing systems & services provided to licensed lotteries and gaming organizations worldwide, was ISO 20000 certified.

žžÊÓƵ has also developed an Environmental Management System certified since 2016 as per ISO 14001.

žžÊÓƵ is also certified under the ISO 37001 standard for anti-bribery management systems. 

All žžÊÓƵ certifications are governed by the COBIT 5 framework, which the company introduced to ensure a holistic approach to its business processes, in full alignment with its business strategy. žžÊÓƵ was also the first gaming industry supplier whose training services, provided by the company’s Learning Center, were ISO 29993 certified.